11/04/23, 14:46

Do you know what ailments Kovrak plant is a cure for?

According to Ibn Sina's recommendations, if you drink 50 grams of the decoction of the seeds of the broom (the seeds are similar in color and shape to those of the broom), the mother's milk will increase. If eaten with fig juice, it cures jaundice (hepatitis). Adding pepper and vinegar to the glue and applying it to bad quality wounds is beneficial. It is also very useful for hair loss. It is known that approximately 50% of drugs produced in pharmaceutical enterprises worldwide are made from raw medicinal plants. The rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry in many countries, including the Republic of Uzbekistan, causes a sharp increase in the demand for medicinal plant raw materials from such enterprises. Kovrak has been used in the folk medicine of Uzbekistan for many years. Ferula belongs to the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family and is a perennial herbaceous plant. There are more than 160 species of cowries on earth, 104 species in Central Asian republics, and 50 species in our country. Resin-glue types such as sassik koravki and Kuhiston koravki are used. Kovrak grows in the sandy deserts, hills, mountains and sub-mountainous plains of our republic's Tashkent, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Jizzakh, Navoi, Bukhara regions and the republic of Karakalpakstan. Ferula assa-foetida L. is widespread in nature, and glue-tar is mainly obtained from this species. This medicinal plant is a biologically active substance that has a positive effect on the patient's body in treatment. Roots, leaves, bark, flowers, fruits, sap and other parts of plants are used as medicinals. According to experts, carpet resin is used in folk medicine for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, plague, wounds, whooping cough, toothache, nerves and other diseases, as well as energizing, It is used as an expectorant and anthelmintic. In scientific medicine, carpet glue-resin under the name "assafetida" is used as a pain reliever, expectorant, energizer and sedative in the form of powder, emulsion and tincture (nastoyka) and is included in the pharmacopoeia of many countries. If people who have a sore throat and hoarseness drink kavrak gum mixed with water, the disease will go away immediately. Wounds that have appeared on the body can be treated by rubbing pepper and vinegar on kavark glue. In the eastern countries of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India, the juice and root of the saffron is used as a spice in the food industry, and in the production of cosmetics in the cosmetics industry.